Saturday, November 14, 2015

Only of depth

The moment when the pieces and meanings of this life in the universe come together so serendipitously.. with a beauty only those experiencing the same thing could ever understand... it makes me want to grasp that feeling and never let go. In the past 24 hours I have been more ecstatic, inspired, and alive than I have in a long time. 

It had begun wonderfully as it was, but when the world decided to expand its grace and beauty to catch my heart in its tracks I couldn't help but let the tears flow through my smile from there. 

Being the deep person that I am, I live for lasting moments like this. For something real and authentic. For souls worth knowing and worth loving. To be understood at a level deeper than a superficial "oh I get it". To be understood at a profound level that shakes my very soul with a meaning so beautiful. A true legacy. A purpose, a connection. I know not of anything superficial. Only everything of depth. 

These things make me a thorough unbeliever in coincidence and I love it. 

There is no more room for loneliness in this crazy place I call my heart. 

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