Monday, January 30, 2017

Bend, but never break.

Lately it's taken all I've got to make it through my work day. That moment of the day when I can remove the physical therapist role when I unclip my badge and coil up my gait belt is a moment when I can finally drop the reigns and let my surrender take the wheel.

I think even that is warrior of me.

I'm not one to count the tick marks of loss in my life but sometimes even I have weak moments where I feel all the odds are stacked against me and all I have been doing is rallying and rallying. I've been rallying endlessly for so long.

I listened to a song today written by one of my favorite songwriters, and a few of the lyrics spoke so deeply to me. About weathering the storm and getting through difficult times in life.

Try to ease my troubled soul. 
Try to weather this storm.
Grab on tight and just hold on to me.

Failure has never been a choice
And now I'm singing out my voice.
I'm seeking shelter in the sounds, it's never let me down.
I'm seeking refuge in a friend who reminds me, once again, that I will bend but never break.

That is something that I have to remember.
I will bend but never break.

Grab on tight and just hold on to me.

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