Saturday, January 28, 2023

No one else can wear your crown. It's yours, just yours.

There's no real best way to start this but to start it. I'm here to tell you everything you deserved to hear. Every truth and every piece of love that you fucking needed.  Just like Grandpa said.... You're okay honey. You will be okay, and you're not wrong. He was right.  And I'm here to tell you, so are you. And I'm so sorry that it took 17 years for you to hear these words from me.

I guess I'll start with Grandpa, because he was the first who met you where you were at and made you feel like you weren't as isolated as you felt. I will never forget what he said that day at the house on Vista in the driveway. I will never forget his eyes full of love and understanding, and the heartfelt sadness he had for you when he put his hand on your cheek as he looked at you and tried to reach you in your pain.  You will never forget that.  He may not have known all that was going on at the time, but he could see. And he took your hand and told you that you were okay. That you were not crazy, not wrong, not bad. He saw it all. 12 years later when you were 27 years old, he pulled you from that darkness yet again, when you saw a darkness that so many see. A darkness where so many people have nobody to visit there. He met you there, and sat with you. With his warm Carhartt hoodie and sweet loving hands. And he made you feel normal, yet again. This is why he still means so much to you to this very day.  You are 32 years old now, and still see him every day even though he's not here.  You will value his words, his love, his gifts, and his presence in your life forever. 

I didn't mean for this to be about Grandpa first off, but in the end we both know he was the only one at the time who truly saw what you were going through.  Except for Dad, he saw it too, just in a different way. And in a way that you won't truly understand until later. 

What if I told you that all the pain you're going through right now is something you will someday look back on and feel was worth it? Will that make it easier for you?  It certainly won't make it okay, because you should've never had to feel this in the first place.  But, here I am now to say... even though there's nothing that can make you feel that this would be worth it, it's worth it knowing the relationships that come out of it.  With your grandfather.  With your father.  I don't doubt we would've been this close to them even without this pain, but somehow it made it more real, you know?  It's made me see exactly how beautiful, how valuable, and how priceless it is to feel this love between Dad and you.  Someday, you will be able to give him and show him the love and support he's shown you.  It all fucking sucks, but it all is worth it once you see and understand the father you have and the daughter that you are to him. It's priceless and nothing can compare to how special and meaningful it is.

You're amazing, and beautiful, and strong, and everything I could ever hope to be.  17 years later, and I'm still learning things from you. Please never stop teaching me, changing me, and shaping me.  Always, always be you.  You were never wrong.  You were never bad.  You were always so fucking beautiful and so fucking amazing.  I'm so sorry nobody told you that.  I'm so sorry you were searching and yearning for that validation and acceptance and love from your peers and never received it.  I'm so sorry they made you feel like less than you truly were.  I'm so sorry that your light was slowly dimmed by people who were too blind to see how absolutely stunning you were, and still are.  Thank you for teaching me that I'm still that person. And for never letting that light go out.

"No one else can steal your light, 'cause it's yours.  Just yours."

Now the kicker is... What if I told you that someday you'd be sitting at your desk as an adult, listening to cathartic music, looking at your things around you that make you feel whole.  Photos of Grandpa, a candle that smells of wood and pine, a plant with heart-shaped leaves, and a figurine that gives you all the confidence you need to make it through your day.  A dog snoring in the background and a glass of wine next to your keyboard. Good music playing from your computer speakers. "Dust" by Oh Wonder, and "Do It All Again" by WILD, those are the ones to remember. Play them while you read this. They're my love songs to you.

What if I told you that you'd have so many more painful moments in life, but that someday you'd be supported through them.  By loved ones, of course.  But by most of all, yourself.  You always had it right.  You had your own back, and in the end that's what matters most.  Yes, it hurts when those in your life who are supposed to be there for you just aren't.  But in the end, it doesn't matter when you know that you are your own best friend, your own best advocate, your own superhero. You have always known this, but someday you'll truly see that you were right. That it really IS all that matters.

What if I told you, 17 years later you'd cry tears for yourself? 

Not because you're broken.  No, you never were.  But because I have such a deep love for you that words cannot begin to describe.

You always knew then that you hurt in ways others didn't understand.  That you felt emotions and pain and joy in ways nobody else understood.  You weren't wrong.  It's true, many people don't understand these things, or they just choose to not feel them because being vulnerable is hard and it hurts. You were stronger than those people because you always chose to feel deeply rather than ignore blindly. But this is what people do unfortunately. This doesn't change as life goes on, but you will find people who will reach you in this place of vulnerability. You'll know them from various places of life, people you will never forget, people who you will have to say goodbye to far too early, and people who will remain by your side til the very end.

I'm grateful to say that you never lost that ability to hurt deeply and love strongly. You still feel, you still love, you still have joy, and you still cry and laugh and feel all the things that you did then.  This time though, you feel it fully with yourself, and it doesn't hurt more just because someone else doesn't join in with you.  But guess what, 17 years later, people do actually feel it with you.  And those are the keepers.

About Dad?  All of this was worth it.   Just know, 17 years later I would never take back all the pain you went through if it meant giving up the relationship we have with Dad now.  If that's the one thing we gained from our pain, it's worth it.  It doesn't make it okay, but it's worth it. 

In the end though, what matters most is the relationship we have with ourself.  Be mad, darling. Be angry, be joyful, be emotional, be strong, be passionate, be all the things that you are. Nobody can or will ever change that. I'm here to be all these things with you as we continue to be who we are, year by year, day by day. Feeling, smiling, crying, and being fucking beautiful through all of the ugliness in the world.

I love you and will always love you. Now wear that crown of yours with your head held high and never forget that you are strong, beautiful, and never, ever alone.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Move Along

Even when your hope is gone, move along.

This song came on at just the opportune time today.  I don't even entirely prefer The-All-American-Rejects in general unless I'm in the mood for their music, but some of the lyrics in this song selectively were immediately and intuitively correct to my current emotions upon coming into this shop considering the current circumstances.

So a day when you've lost yourself completely
Could be a night when your life ends
Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving
All the pain held in your
Hands are shaking cold
Your hands are mine to hold

I want to hold your hands.
I don't want to be lost in a night where my life ends.
I choose to hold your hands, my own hands even, and live my life. Even when my hope is gone, I will move along.

I do me.

And thank God I do, because otherwise I don't know where I would be.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Worth it all.

It's amazing what hapens when I start singing more. laughing more, loving more, and connecting with people despite any outside forces or circumstances. I do me. I have never felt more at peace, empowered, and home than when I am embracing me and doing exactly what my heart desires and exactly what makes me me. Whatever that may mean.

I feel like I've been made stronger and more comfortable in my own skin than I have ever been before. Now, being 27 years old, almost 28, I have been through enough life and shit and beautiful things and hardships to know what I want in life, even though I also know that my thoughts may change in the future, morphing and evolving as life always does.

I've just gained perspective. I'm thankful for this perspective, too.  I am better for it. Comparing me now to me in the past allows me to see how far I've come in my journey toward loving myself. And I do love myself. I've always liked myself, but now I am really happy to be able to truthfully say I love myself and I am worth it all.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Love is all you need.

In the midst of the overwhelming pain, anguish, and depression we all feel on behalf of the amazing Marshall G. McBride this week, I have decided to pledge to be a better friend, a bigger support, and a louder encourager to every person, a support of every person's path I cross, and to every person I love.

I also think I need to list the people I love who I know love me. For whenever I may get low, sad, depressed, or feeling like I'm stuck in darkness and am unloved.  I can have these amazing peoples names written to never forget that I am loved deeply, and to always remember that I am not alone.

Dad, Mom, and Cirby.
Marissa, Nick, and Alex.
All 3 sets of grandparents, all cousins and extended family.
Chad Davis Renee Bowman
Caitlyn Clyne
Daniel Clyne
and Ollie
Mr. Barry
Miss Terry
The entire Condon/Clyne family
Colby Dyck Moulaison
Kim Dyck Moulaison
And their entire family
The Lemons, Wheelers, and Arnholds
Mary Wheeler and family
Jesikah Sundin and family
Jessica Jett and family
Alex "Mad Hatter" Silveira-Sheehan
Dustin Willets and choir
Victoria Lord
Zachary Hughes
Matthew Forbes
Kat Miller
Dylon Lane Madison
Heidi and Curt Palmer and family
April Wosser
Sarah Johnson Schwab
Rob Hahnel
Howie Welsh
Casey Benjamin Zangari
Mike Machado
Caleigh Mayer
Zach Saunders
Paden Moreno
Brittnee Leen
Jenny Honrud
and the rest of the Honrud family
Nancy Almassy
Paul Walston
Michael Lykins
The Lykins family
Elizabeth Pree
Jeffrey Moonbeam
Django Bohren
Katharine Kipp
Chris Ormerod
Sarah Kate Kunkel
Dorothy Childsweber
Joe Chavira
Rich Olson
The Pima crew
James Bauckman

This list is ever growing.  I am so blessed.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Small things.

I always talk about how I find happiness in the small things.  But lately I have learned exactly how small, and unrecognized, they really are sometimes. Especially to most people.  Throughout my journey on this earth I realize more and more that one of my sole purposes in life is to bask in these small little happinesses, and to share them with someone who loves them just as much as I do.

I find the significance in these insignificant moments.

Washing my face before bed.
Smelling fresh lavender buds or drinking them in my tea.
Closing my eyes to the wild waves of the ocean, hearing all the stories it tells and the secret beauty it holds.
When a dog kisses your nose.
Giving my toes something warm to sleep in.
The beats and lyrics from beautiful souls in my life who write their music like it was meant for me.
Comforting fleece blankets.
The sound of the harmonica.
Soft pretzels.
Connecting with a stranger.
Exploring a new area of your life.
Video games and stories that make your soul feel warm.
The way it feels to have the spaces between your fingers fit perfectly in the spaces between someone else's.
Sitting on a tall watch tower bench looking out into the horizon of the bay in the dark.
Painted nails.
Singing to your favorite songs and quoting your favorite movies.
Epsom salt baths.
Crossing adventures off the bucket list.
A rich, red, earthy glass of wine to sip on.
Fluffy pillows.
The smell of books, leather, whiskey, and rain.
Loving people.
Learning something new.
The comfort only an amazing anime can bring.
The sound of a familiar text tone that brings back memories of another time.

I love it all.  And the list keeps getting longer, deeper, and simpler, filling more and more with all the small things that make it worth living.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

One day.

One day you will come across someone who will leave you completely in awe of them. Their kindness, their sincerity, their heart, and the beautiful soul that you will get to know will leave you speechless. One day, I believe, I will have this.

Sometimes I look at you
and I can't understand
how someone before me
didn't notice a whole
beautiful universe
hidden within you,

sometimes I look at you
and I can't understand
how someone before me
didn't see what I see

sometimes I look at you
and I can't understand
how someone before me
looked at you and didn't
find every single thing
they'd been searching for
in a single human being

and sometimes I look at you
feeling glad that they didn't,
because if they looked
deep enough to see all
of those things within you,
then I would've never
been able to.

-Ruby Dhal

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Helicopters and rain tears.

I didn't know it was possible to feel that much pain, to cry as hard as the rain was pouring, to feel so completely alone, isolated, small, and utterly beaten down.  Driving with nothing but the sound of tires through puddles on the highway to break the silence of my sobs.  Searching for safety, with nothing but an oversized hoodie to sleep in that night, crawling into unfamiliarity while clutching my puppy and a warm tea.

It's exactly like what she said to me though. I'm waiting for my helicopter.   When you break your leg on the top of a mountain in the snow, it's not up to you to figure out a way to get off the mountain. How to get onto the snowmobile, get down the mountain, get medical care, and get your leg fixed.  It's not up to you to heal your leg in speedy time. That analogy somehow brought me peace, knowing that all I had to do was breathe, rest in this pain, and wait.  Wait for my helicopter ride, whatever that may be, and whenever that may be.

I know there are lessons to be had here.  And I know there are things I'm already learning, discovering, and embracing about myself.  I yearn for the day when this becomes a distant memory and I can have the healing that I know I deserve, because I never deserved the pain in the first place.

If I can come out stronger for it, better for it, and somehow find closure in it, I would be happy.  I know that day will come, and as hard as it is to acknowledge the fact that day is not today, I know it will.