Wednesday, October 23, 2013

For the one who's always there.

The healing power of a true friend.   It just boggles me.

How did I become so blessed and fortunate to have a friend in my life who, no matter what, I can always go to..... and who, know matter what, will always know exactly what I need?

I am so fortunate to have a friend like that.
A friend who is like family.
A friend who knows what's wrong before I even have to say it.
A friend who will assure me that everything will be okay.
A friend who will be stupid and dumb just to make me laugh.
A friend who will genuinely care and help out in whatever way I need.
A friend who won't let me justify, excuse, hide, or not face any single thing in my life.
A friend who will be brutally honest, even if it hurts.
A friend who will give me actual solutions and ways to fix the brokenness.
A friend who will bring up inside jokes just to bring a smile to my face as big as it was the first time.
A friend who will tell me to calm down when I'm freaking out. To calm down, and to breathe.
A friend who will stay up late on a week night talking with me just to make sure I'm okay.

Is there really anything else sweeter than that?

Anxiety levels down.  Sleepy levels up.  Comfort warmly accepted.

And I've turned that frown upside down, just like I was asked.

Thank you.  I can always count on you.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

For the real.

This is another one of those times where words fail me. All I've done in the past 15 minutes is sit here and attempt a beginning to my thoughts. Probably at least 5 times. Before I can even finish a sentence, I delete it and start over again. It's times like these where I realize I've been so moved that words won't even do.

It is very rare when a person can leave such a mark on your soul. Hold such special places in your heart. And move you like not many people do.  Right off the bat after meeting them, even.

I get to be so fortunate to know a few. And to more recently have found another.

For the first time in a while I didn't feel alone in a crowd. Because of these very people. I didn't feel like I was forced to internalize the deeper, more complex things about me. Because of these very people, I felt like I can be real. And it's because they are real.

On my drive home today I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with gratefulness.  Not just for feeling welcomed in a crowd of people. But for the depth that they offered me this past week in return. For the real.

Tears streamed down my face and I knew that it was exactly a mixture between how moved I've been with these friendships and of the knowledge that I am having to say goodbye for a while with this new work schedule I have.

When people mean so much to me like this, even without knowing quite exactly why or how... it makes me wonder if I have done a good enough job showing them exactly what they've done for me.  If I've done a good enough job showing them how much they mean to me.  How much I love them.  It's in those moments where I just want to pick up the phone and spill the beans. Even if it brings a good cry.

The best part is that I know each and every one wouldn't take it as anything but real.

I am such a fortunate woman to have people like this in my life. Changing me every day and reminding me who I am, why I'm here, and that I'm loved.

This one's for the real.