Tuesday, July 15, 2008

guardian angel.

The sun is bright and warm but it doesn't shine for me anymore. The wind blows through my hair but brings me no ease, just tension and anxiety that I seem to get from everything else in my life.

My best motivation, my best sunshine, my best hug, is gone.

My baby, my buddy, my sweet child of innocence, is gone.

He taught me everything and expected nothing. He would laugh and not want anything in return. He would smile when the world threw its worst at him.

I followed in his footsteps.

Sebastian C.E. Ward.
is my guardian angel.

His death will never make his memories fade. Or the lessons he taught me.
They will always be here. In the sun, in the rain, in the tears, in the laughter, in the dreams and the hopes of every person out there showing the world who they are and embracing the diversity.

He embraced his diversity. He captured the hearts of people by being himself.
A lot of people would see what he was incapable of. But I only saw his significance. His life. His precious meaning. His heart.

I will never allow him to become belittled, forgotten, or judged.
Because he is the reason for who I am today.
And if it weren't for him, I would not know of the small, good things in life that make it worth living.

He is my guardian angel.

1 comment:

  1. i love you.
    deeply and more than you know.
    you're beautiful.

    I wish I had met him...I honestly do. You spoke the world of him, and i know nothing can ease this pain...simply know I'm here. as always. your sandy.
